The Headstone Project 2024

The Headstone Project SA is a volunteer initiative committed to the identification and commemoration of World War I heroes interred in unmarked graves across South Australia. This endeavor is driven by the solemn duty to honor their service and sacrifice to Australia. Through meticulous research and dedication, the initiative endeavors to locate these individuals, ensuring they receive the recognition they deserve. Once identified, prescribed military headstones are placed upon their graves, serving as enduring symbols of remembrance and gratitude for their contributions to our nation.

The dates for ceremonies being held in South Australia are:

21st May 2024- 1 service in Brighton North.

25th May 2024- 1 service in Murray Bridge, Tailem Blend.

4th June 2024- 1 service in Mintaro.

12th June 2024- 1 service in Chelton Ham.

29th June 2024- 19 services in Renmark.

27th July 2024- 1 service in Victor Harbor.

10th August 2024- 1 service in Terowie.

19th October 2024- 1 service in West Terrace.

At present, the Headstone Project SA operates exclusively within South Australia. However, there is consideration for expanding this initiative in the Northern Territory. Dan Tellam (Tank), Co-Ordinator of Billeroy House Veterans and Families Community Centre, is working to get the Headstone Project started within this region.

Karen Clark, representative of RSL Alice Springs, has recently discovered 30 unmarked graves within the Northern Territory due to her diligent efforts. Such findings highlight the importance of commemorative efforts to honor the service of the fallen war veterans in this region.

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